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Product Document
Machine Details:
Technical Details:
Machine Hours:61,432 hrs.
Buy used ENGEL ES 650/155 HL Victory injection molding machine
Technical data:
- Clamping force: 1500 KN
- Screw diameter: 50 mm
- Max. Shot weight: 440 g
- Clear tie bar spacing: 750 x 750 (tie barless)
- Min. mold installation height: 300 mm
- Max. Mold opening stroke: 600 mm
- Centering ring diameter: 160 mm
- Number of core pulls: 1
- Cascade control: no
- Handling: yes
Handling Geiger LR 16 EC
- X axis: 500 mm
- Y axis: 1200 mm
- Z axis: 1900 mm
- Interface:Euromap 67
- Protective housing 2000 mm x 2000 mm with safety package
The tie-bar-less victory injection moulding machine is the ideal machine for a wide range of technical injection moulding applications and processes. The proven tie-bar-less technology ensures a particularly even clamping force distribution. For large moulds with low clamping force requirements, you only invest in the clamping force that is actually needed.