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Used HURCO VMX30U (Simultaneous 5-Axis) - CNC Vertical Machining Center
Machine hours only 16.512 hrs
CNC Controls: Win Max dual Monitor
Spindle is not too accurate anymore.
Technical data:
- Travels
- X Axis : 760 mm / 30”
- Y-Axis: 510 mm / 20"
- Z-Axis: 520 mm / 20.5"
- A-Axis: + 30 / -110 Degrees
- C-Axis: 360 Degrees
- Swivel Table Size: Dia 250 mm/ 9.8”
- Max Weight on Table: 200 kg/ 440 lbs
- Spindle Speeds: 0 - 12,000 RPM High torque chilled spindle
- Main Spindle Motor: 18 HP
- No. of Tools: 24x ATC
- Rapid Traverse (X & Y / Z) 1378 IPM / 1181 IPM
- Required Floor Space: 154” x 155” x 112”
- Machine Weight: 4.750 kg / 10,450 lbs
- Equipped With:
- Renishaw OMP60 Measuring Probe
- Röhm Vice
5-Axis Integrated Trunnion Table Machining Center
The efficient design of the Hurco 5-axis trunnion table machining centers is a key benefit to consider—we use an integrated trunnion table at Hurco instead of simply sticking a trunnion table on a 3-axis machining center and passing it off as a 5-axis machine. The integrated trunnion table design provides more clearance in Z compared to other brands.